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Our content and conduct is guided by our beliefs, values, and opinions. (1).jpg

Restore and Rebuild Community

Faith Connects’ Logo is a redesigned image of the emblem of the resistance group called the “White Rose”. The “White Rose” was an underground group of German students at the University of Munich during World War 2. While the group was open to all, many of the key members were driven by their christian beliefs to intellectually challenge the German people’s cultural indifference towards the Nazi regime, war, and genocide of the Jews, through the 15,000 leaflets they created and distributed. In 1943 during one of their operations some of their leaders were caught, imprisoned, tortured, and executed. Faith Connects’ desires to uphold the values of standing up against cultural norms that gravely go against God, His Word, and the sanctity of God’s image that has been given to all humans.

Our content and conduct is guided by our beliefs, values, and opinions. (2).png



the White Rose

Our Logo

Our Networks and Directory

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Fellowship Network

Marriage Network

Faith's Network

Faith's Directory

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